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Covid-19 continues to impact communities around the world, bringing people together to help each other now more than ever. We recognise and honour all the front line healthcare workers who are actively fighting this deadly virus which is spreading like a wildfire through out the country.

To express our utmost appreciation and gratitude to our everyday heroes, HSF started “SUPPORT TO HEATH CARE WARRIORS AND FRONTLINERS CAMPAIGN” and organised various programs in different districts in the state of Telangana. As part of the program, we have distributed kits which include N95 masks, surgical masks, pulse oximeters, thermometer and gloves to over 2000 ASHA workers, GHMC sanitation teams, Departments of water works and Security, private & government school teachers and to the Doctors.

Our Community kit has helped health workers and front-liners to sustain the pandemic and have saved them and their families from the spread of the covid-19 virus. Helping Society Foundation aimed to prioritise the safety of healthcare workers who worked relentlessly amid this deadly virus. We thank everyone who has been strong enough to withstand this difficult phase. YOU ARE RESPECTED AND APPRECIATED.

Medical Camp in Nalamalla Forest